
Important features to look for in a VPN

About Digital Generation Space

Here at DGS, let’s talk about web hosting, cyber security, SEO, movies and tv series, apps or software, digital electronics, and just about anything and everything about organizational and management tools online.

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The best Minecraft server hosting

The best Minecraft server hosting

Are you searching for the best Minecraft server out there? Something budget-friendly yet doesn’t fall short of delivering the best gaming experience? If Mr. Google is giving you a lot of game hosting provider names and narrowing…

Best and reliable green web hosting providers

Best and reliable green web hosting providers

Greenhouse gas emissions! Every business, especially large companies inevitably produce emissions from conducting their daily business operations. Gas emissions, as we know, contribute to the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect makes our Earth warmer, and thus the…

How to open a hosting account and register a domain

How to open a hosting account and register a domain

Are you ready to publish your website on the world wide web? To create a website and make it accessible via the internet, you need two things, a hosting account, and a domain. Basically, these two will…

Important features to look for in a VPN

Security and Privacy The foundation of any VPN lies in its security and privacy features. Robust encryption is paramount, and the gold standard is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with 256-bit keys, the same level used by…

The best VPN services with strong encryption

As our digital lives rapidly evolve, our personal data becomes increasingly exposed, making the protection of our online privacy and security more critical than ever. A virtual private network, or VPN, has emerged as an essential tool…

How to secure your website from malware attack and getting hacked

Did your website get hacked or attacked by malware? If the answer to that is yes, then I would say early on in this part of the article – get yourself a web security expert. If you…

Top Filipino girls’ love (GL) series

Girls’ love (GL) series is a niche genre that is rising globally. Film and show creators like Samantha Lee, a film director known for movies and mini-series such as Baka Bukas, Billie and Emma, Rookie, and Sleep…

Latest and upcoming Thai girls’ love (GL) series

June is just around the corner, and what better way to celebrate Pride Month than with a curated list of Thai girls’ love (GL) series for my fellow queer binge-watchers? I’ve noticed a surge in the popularity…

Every Lesbian’s Movie Checklist

Let me open this article by quoting this beautiful statement from Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir. “It is absolutely imperative that every human being’s freedom and human rights are respected, all over the world.” As she said in her speech…

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